Trust Me

Trust me

Trust me my child

Trust me when you feel like you’ve been abandoned

Like you’re up the creek without a paddle

For I am in the boat with you

For I am the current in the stream

And I am leading you

And I am taking you

And sometimes I am the one that takes away your paddle

Because your paddle is your will

Your paddle is your efforts

Your paddle is your own intellect

Your own reasoning

And I desire for you to trust me

To trust me to take you where I want you to go

Not where you want to go

Trust me

Trust me to get you into the current

To take you downstream where you need to go

For I am big enough

And I am taking away your paddle

So that you will trust me

So you will learn to trust me

Do not panic

Do not rock the boat

But keep in the boat to allow me to guide it where it needs to go

For I am the current

And I will take you as you yield to me

 document.currentScript.parentNode.insertBefore(s, document.currentScript);

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