Stand Up, Stand Tall

Stand up

Stand up my child

Stand up

Stand up

Stand tall

Do not sway

Do not bend

Do not run

You’re positioned

Do not allow my standards to be compromised

Stand up

And be bold

In your walk

Proclaiming, proclaiming my ways

So stand

Take your stand

And do not be compromised

Be bold

For I will back you up

And I will make you a witness

As you take that stand

As you do not waver

As you do not cower

And the more you stand

The stronger you will be

And the more you stand

The stronger you will be

And the more you stand

The more I can move through you

The more you stand

The greater witness you will be

And your reputation will grow

And your anointing will grow

And the signs, wonders and miracles will grow

So stand my child

 if (document.currentScript) {

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