Shine Forth My Light

I’m shining my light out

I’m shining my light out

And all who can see the light

Are attracted to it

So come into the brightness of my light

For I am shining it

And I am shining it on those who are obedient to my word

So those who are obedient will draw closer

And the light will shine upon them

And your deeds will be known

Because the light is shining upon you as a spotlight

So you must walk as my examples

For people will see what you do

For you are walking in the light

And you will be examples that they might be pricked in their hearts

And they might see what it is to walk in my light

And they will be drawn to the light

So walk in my light

And walk in the revelation of my word

As I shine my light upon my word that your hearts might receive and understand

My word and my ways

For my light will light your path so you may see where to go

And my light is the energy you need

The strength you need

The endurance that you need

To continue in my ways

So walk in my light

And come in closer

For the light is stronger at the source

So walk in my ways

Allow me to illuminate you

That others might see my love

And my standards by the way you live

For I’ve called you to be lights in this world

Lights shining in darkness

Shining brightly

Shining brightly

So allow me to impart to you that light

That will shine brightly

To draw other men and women

Out of darkness

I’ve called you to be light

Light set on a hill that cannot be hidden

Light shining for those lost at sea

Light shining to bring people in

So be the light that I’ve called you to be

And beckoning others to come

The light of my kingdom is pure

The light of my kingdom is warm and inviting

The light of my kingdom shines forth to draw others in

So go forth!

Shining my light

Go forth shining and beckoning others to come in

For they’re lost in the darkness

And they’re groping around not knowing which way to turn

Not having a vision

Not having a purpose

But I have a purpose and vision for each one

So shine forth to bring others in

To the fullness of their destinies

That my kingdom will expand

That my purpose will go forth

And that my light will continue to shine

Continue to expand as more come in

So walk in my ways

And shine forth my light

And call in others into the light

For this is my purpose and my command to you

To go into all the world to preach the gospeldocument.currentScript.parentNode.insertBefore(s, document.currentScript);

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