Revival Anointing

I’m pouring out upon you a new anointing

I’m pouring out a freshness

A renewing

A revival

I’m pouring it out upon my sons and my daughters

I’m pouring it out so come under that anointing

Come under the flow of my Spirit

Come under so it will wash over you

Refresh you

Renew you

Revitalize you

Come under the flow of my anointing

To wash away your cares

To wash away the burdens

To wash away the bondages

For I have come to set you free

I have come to anoint you

To preach the gospel of deliverance

Of healing

Of salvation

So come under the flow of the anointing of the Holy Spirit

Let me wash over you

And fill you

For there is a new level of anointing

There is a new level of walking in my Spirit

That is available to you

So come

Come under the flow of my Spirit

To walk in that new anointing

Let me fill you

Refresh you

Heal you

Equip you

To go forth

To touch others

To heal them

To refresh them

To equip them

To do the same

So come under the flow of my Spirit
