Intimacy with Me

Listen my child, listen my child

Put your ear upon my chest

Draw close enough to put your ear upon my chest

To listen to my heartbeat

To listen to my still small voice

That I can whisper to you

Draw close and listen

Come in closer, come in closer

For I desire to whisper things to you

I desire to share the secrets of my heart

I desire for you to hear my heart

But I share things only with those that are close

I do not shout them

So come in closer that you might hear

Come in my child

Come in to may spend time with me

Come in

For I desire to share

I desire to impart revelation to those that seek it

I desire to share my heart with those that seek it

But you must seek

You must seek and it will be found

Press in to that time with me

Press in and I will show you great and mighty things

And I will anoint you in ways you have not been anointed before

And I will use you in signs and wonders and miracles

As you press in to that time with me

For there are places you have not yet gone with me

And I desire to draw you in

I desire for you to go there

To make that time to go there

For it is from that place of intimacy with me

That you will receive

The greater impartation

You will receive the revelation

You will receive vision for the future

So come my child

Draw in closer

Sit upon my lap and lay your head upon my chest

And I will wrap my arms around you

And whisper in your ear

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