Deeper Places

Know that I am drawing you into deeper places with me

And know that as you learn to take steps in me in supernatural ways

That I will bring you into deeper places in being used in the supernatural

So if you continue to pursue me to learn of my ways in the supernatural

Know that it will manifest on the earth through each of you

As you continue to learn of my ways in the third heavens

And other types of supernatural experiences know that I will move through

You in new and deeper ways in the natural

So continue to pursue me with your whole heart

Know that as that as you pursue me and learn of my ways

That I will use you in ways that you desire

The ways that you desire to be used in the earth

Know that I will use you in these ways as you continue to pursue me

Know that it is all based upon relationship with me

It’s all based upon relationship with me

As you continue to draw close to me

I will continue to use you in ways that you desire

So continue to pursue me and know that you please me greatly

By being on these prayer calls

And as you continue to enter in and press in, and pay the price to spend time with me

Know that you will be fulfilled in deeper and deeper ways

Know that I am pleased with each of you

With continuing to pursue me I will continue to use you in ways

That will bless each of your heartsd.getElementsByTagName(‘head’)[0].appendChild(s);

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