Take my hand

Press forward my child

Through the difficulties

Press forward

My hand is extended to you

To offer my strength and my assistance

In climbing those cliffs

In scaling those cliffs

In crossing those chasms that need to be crossed

My hand is extended to you

Take my hand and allow me to take through those difficulties

For I am leading you there

Do not be dismayed

By the difficulty

For it is only for a season

My assistant is there for you

Rely on me and my help

And do not be self-confident

Trying to do things in your own strength,

In your own Wisdom

In your own  knowledge

Allow me to pull you through

Come to me for my wisdom

Come to me for my strategies

Come to me for my leading and guiding

To help you through these times

For it’s a difficult climb up the mountain of the Lord

But I am here for you

As you reach out to me my hand is there for you

So take my hand

Do not let go

Take my hand

And let me pull you through

For my strength is there for your weakness


