Step Forward in Faith

My child I’m calling you to step forward in faith

Step forward in faith

Into what I’m setting before you

You may not see the whole picture

You may not see the whole path

But you will know where to set your foot

Your walk is a walk of faith

And as I give you a portion of where you should go

Or a portion of what you should speak

Speak that

Walk in that

For what you know

Then as you walk it forth

As you speak it forth

More will come

I do not illuminate the whole path

Just as if you’re driving in the darkness

Your headlights do not shine the whole road

But only a portion of it

So I lead you by a portion

So step out in faith believing that as you go

I will give you more

I will show you as you go

Where to go or what to speak

Take what you know to do

And walk in it

Take the few words I give you to speak

And speak them out

And as you speak

I will give you more

So allow me to lead you by faith

Be obedient

Be obedient to do what is before you to do

And I will continue to give you revelation

And I will continue to lead you

As you go more will come

As you are faithful it will increase

Step forward

Step forward my child

Step forward into the fullness

Step forward along the path

And speak what I have put in your heart to speak

I am training you to walk by faith

So step forward my child

Step forward

And more will come

And you will be raised up into your giftings

Raised up into ministry

Raised up in my character

As you step forward and I will be with you and anoint you

And carry you through

And lead you along the way

You cannot walk by sight but you walk in faith

Trust in me to carry you through

Come forward my child

Come forward

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