Recharge Your Battery

My children I am offering a plug-in for you

I am offering that plug to recharge your battery

I am offering that plug to plug into the flow

To plug in to the miracles

To plug in to the anointing

To plug in to the healing

To plug in to the breakthroughs

The plug is there!

So connect to the plug

Connect to it

It is your lifeline

It is your lifeline to bring you through

Those trials you are going through

It is your lifeline to rise above the attacks

Of the enemy

It is your lifeline to come into my presence

For relationship, for revelation

The plug is there

There is a lifeline

That flows with anointing

But you must connect to it

And connect to it, and stay connected to it

To walk in my Spirit

To walk in my Supernatural Blessings

To walk in Love

To walk in Joy

To walk in Peace

To walk in Patience

To walk in Self-control

And goodness and faithfulness

To walk in my Spirit

You must be plugged in

If you are not plugged in then you are walking in your own strength

Your battery will be charged for a little bit

So plug in and stay plugged in

That there might be a constant flow and you will never run dry

Stay plugged in for the flow will be stronger

Stay plugged in so I can lead you and guide you

And give you the wisdom and direction you need}

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