Receive My Empowerment

I’m pouring out a fresh anointing

I’m pouring out

I’m pouring it out

Receive the freshness

Receive the renewal

Receive the infilling of my spirit

I’m pouring it out upon you my child

I’m pouring it out

Receive it for your growth

Receive it for your nourishment

Receive it for your refreshing

Receive it for your empowerment

Empowerment to rise above your circumstances

Empowerment to pull down strongholds

Empowerment to step through the barriers

To walk in the place that I have called you to walk

And receive this anointing

It’s falling like rain upon you

Receive this anointing

This refreshing

Receive my spirit in a deeper way

Receive it my child

For it is falling upon you

Receive it for your nourishment

Receive it for your refreshing

For strengthening

To move on

To break through

Step into the places you have not stepped

To breakthrough into those places you have yet not gone

This is the season of advancement

This the season for my army to rise up

To go forth in battle

To break through the strongholds

To breakthrough into what I have called you to do

This is the season of advancement my child

Receive my empowerment

Receive my empowerment to go

Receive my empowerment for this is the season for my army to war

This is the season for my bride to rise up

Receive all that I have for you by the spirit

For everything you need I have provided

So receive it my child}