Radiate in this Dark World

My Child, my child

I’m imparting to you

A newness of life

I’m imparting to you

A portion of my spirit

A portion of myself

That is coming into yourself

Into you to refresh you

To heal you

To rejuvenate you

And give you new life

To give you abundant life

I am imparting

So receive from me my child

Receive my spirit

Receive this impartation

Of rejuvenation

For refreshing

For renewal

For healing

Receive for I am out pouring it out upon you

I am injecting into you

As you receive you will be walking in greater fullness

You will walk in greater depth

You will have a deeper understanding of my word

Your spirit will be refreshed

Your mind will be renewed

Your body will be refreshed and strengthened

So receive my child everything all that I have for you in the spirit

Take it in

Absorb it

And allow it to penetrate every fiber of your being

For it is my will to rejuvenate

It is my will to refresh

To strengthen

Allow my spirit to just permeate every part of your body

Every part of your spirit

Every part of your soul

I am coming in fullness into you

If you receive me

I am coming if you receive me

And allow me to permeate every part

Allow me to push out things in your life that do not belong there

Do not hold on to them any longer

Do not hold on to the mindsets

Do not hold on to the faulty doctrines

Do not hold on to the past and to your way of thinking

Allow me to shift

Allow me to work

Allow me to heal

Allow me to bring to the surface things you need to repent of

So that you can be fully restored

Fully healed and rejuvenated

For this is a new day

It’s a day of victory

Allow me to permeate you

To fill you

To saturate you

So that you can walk in my light

To radiate in this dark world



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