I Speak Peace to my Children

I speak peace to my children

I speak peace to their hearts

As they come into my presence to find solace

I speak peace

As the world is in turmoil

I speak peace

There is a place of rest

There is a place of peace

When things are not at peace the world

When things are not at peace in your mind

Come into my place of presence

And I will give you peace

For I give peace not as the world gives

But my peace is supernatural

So come into my presence

And allow me to bring you the comfort that you need

Trust in me and do not fret

Do not worry

For those things will be turning in the world

And there will wars and rumors of wars

There will be pestilence

And there will be financial difficulty

Come into my presence

And seek my face

For I give peace that the world cannot give

Allow me to work in your heart

Allow me to bring you into a deeper place of resting in my presence

Of carrying my presence with you and my peace with you

That not only will others know that you are mine

Because of my love

They will see my peace upon you

So learn to walk in my peace

During the days when things will stirred up

And there will not be peace

As you walks in peace it will speak to others

And it will be a witness to others

They will be drawn to you because you walk in peace

Do not be dismayed at the things that are going on in the world

Do not be dismayed

Do not fret over them

But learn to come into my presence

And learn to walk in my peace

For it is a deeper peace than the peace the world can give

And there is a greater confidence for the peace of the world is only temporary

But my peace is eternal

My peace is supernatural

My peace will calm us all

So come into my presence

To obtain the peace

And walk in peace

For as you walk in peace

You will be walking in the Spirit

For Peace is a fruit of the Holy Spirit

So come my child and cast your cares upon me

And take up my peace

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