Come Close

Come my child

Come, Come, Come

Allow me to hold you in my arms

Allow me to caress you

Allow me to touch your wounds with my healing anointing

Allow me to cleanse you

Allow me to remove every spot and every wrinkle

Yield to the process

By coming into my presence

And allowing me

To tenderly care for you

To remove all those things that need to be removed

Come into my presence

Come close, come close and let me tend you

For I desire

I desire that closeness

I desire that tenderness

I desire to hold you close

And as I hold you my tenderly care for each area in your life

Everything that needs to be touched

Everything that needs to be healed

Everything that needs to be cleanse

I will gently do

As you come close

As you’re in my presence

The process is easier

The process is less painful

The closer you are

So come my child

And allow me to have my perfect work in you

As I am preparing my bride

To be pure and spotless

As I tend my flock

And care for each one

Come close

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